Signed in as:
"For such a time as this."
I am running for President of the United States to have God's blessing on America once again. If good policy alone could fix us, we'd already be fixed. But it can't.
We will do right by our citizens, children, and by all people and nations of the earth.
ROLLAN ROBERTS II is an American businessman, government advisor, and candidate for President of the United States. He is the President of the U.S. Center for Diplomacy, was nominated to the DoD Central Command Civilian Task Force, advisory board member of Asia-Africa Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of space engineering and aeronautics satellite company, Phemotron Systems Corp, and cybersecurity/AI defense applications design.
Rollan grew up in the holler of Beaver, West Virginia and started his career at the bottom working his way through college, and eventually getting his Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Liberty University and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) from California InterContinental University. He has led small and large companies and helped underserved people start businesses around the world. He believes that entrepreneurship is the single, greatest economic engine on earth that levels the playing field.
He has extensive experience with good governance, infrastructure, foreign affairs, education, and diplomacy. He served with former Congresspeople and Ambassadors on a U.S. Delegation to South Sudan in 2021 and 2022 where he assisted with the stabilization of the transitional to permanent government. Roberts is one of the contributing authors for Ukraine's proposed new Constitution. Previously, he has served as an advisor to national governments on matters of diplomacy, national security, entrepreneurship, education, clean water, wastewater, and waste-to-energy infrastructure.
His mission has been to solve complex systematic and structural problems for access to clean water, business and literacy education, and food security in Africa to accelerate the transformation of Africa’s economic, technology, education, social welfare, and healthcare sectors. It was through these efforts that the burden and calling for leading America 2.0 to prepare the ground for an America capable of leading the 22nd century was birthed. The more time he spent in Africa, the more glaring were the cracks and threat to America's global leadership position that the current rut of vile political discourse does not address or secure for our continued global leadership into the 22nd century.
He has created entrepreneurship programs, empowerment and vocational trainings, and individual mentorship programs. He discusses issues, not labels; facts, not fantasy, and leads with sound wisdom and truth.
He addressed China's intellectual property theft and the trade war to Beijing officials directly in the Great Hall of the People in 2017. He was given the African diplomatic designation of His Excellency as Peace Ambassador to Nations from the International College of Peace Studies.
My Domestic Policy is to spark a new wave of American innovation and ingenuity that will lead us into the 22nd century. Includes aesthetically functional, smart infrastructure, and new scientific & mathematical discoveries. My administration will focus on societal advancement by reforming the tax system, education system, and energy sector.
My Foreign Policy is to lead with diplomacy and aggressively defend America, American lives, and American interests at all cost. We will build a next-century military with advanced AGI capabilities with deterrence as the goal. I don't play games with foreign policy - we
use excessive measures to solve the problem fully the first time and deter future violations or aggression.
Under my leadership, the United States of America will have the strongest Armed Forces in its history. Unlike our current practice of buying incremental and marginal improvements of yesterday's weapons, I will invest in a wide array of advanced weaponry and military technology to invest in the tools and methods needed to safeguard our families today and for future generations.
I will overhaul the public education system to include a bachelors degree or trade certificate by age 18. Bachelor degrees and tradespeople are the minimum standard of an educated society and the backbone of our economy. Our youth will be well educated and prepared for economic contribution to their families and society. Existing college infrastructure and resources will be repurposed to be of greater effectiveness in society.
I have strong personal beliefs about life and marriage based on historic Judeo-Christian values and will review any legislation Congress puts forth that protects both. The Constitution clearly leaves most social policies up to individual states EXCEPT those involved in protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In this era of great macro and micro division, there is no better method than that established in the Constitution giving power to the states.
My Fiscal Policy is simple - spend less than we collect, automate taxation, take steps to eliminate the national debt, stop wasting money with federal agency bloat and glut, and help Americans be more prosperous to generate more tax revenue to fund America 2.0 - the glorious Age of Innovation. Administrative government should run lean and more efficiently using automation and technology so everyone can flourish.
Your donation is an opportunity to invest in the America of tomorrow. If you support a new wave of American innovation, discourse, and leadership, please generously support our message and efforts!
Giving agencies, such as the FDA, NIH, NSF, & CDC new directives to be proactive in developing cures and discoveries for major diseases and re-establishing the food pyramid aligned with good health not corporate interests. My mandate is to increase average life expectancy to 100 years old.
Realignment of our educational priorities, structure, curriculum, and outcomes for the next 250 years that focuses on advanced STEM, bachelors degree by 18, and quality of life (financial literacy, taxes, investments) for every American. We can only lead with the most educated workforce in the world.
Roberts Administration will significantly grow citizens' opportunities to increase their income by supercharging our free enterprise system and bettering commerce infrastructure making it easier, faster, and cheaper to start or grow a business and increase employee pay based on production valued by society.
Part of restructuring higher income opportunities for every American includes workforce housing where revised employment arrangements are made to include housing, much like the military uses today. The homeless problem in America is solved if the individual elects for shelter/income in exchange for employment.
The internet changed our way of life. Smartphones further changed how we live and communicate. America must go beyond incremental technology advancements and focus effort and resource on creating next century technology and begin building that foundation toward an expected objective.
Roberts Administration will monitor and defend spacial activity and will explore multi-plenary natural resources that we can harness on earth. Specifically, we can contain hurricanes and earthquakes to stave off disaster. There are vast discoveries in time, space, and ocean that will transform our way of life increasing longevity.
What does a 22nd century military look like? What methods and strategies are most effective in addressing global issues with ever-changing nation states, priorities, and wars of the future. I will personally oversee that the U.S. creates the battlefields of the future and is equipped to win any earthly or galactic clashes.
Business will and must evolve. The economy is not serving most Americans or American interests. The frivolous litigious environment has created higher prices, lower wages, and slowed down commerce. There is a better way, and the economy of the future serves all human interests.
Media Inquiries: media@RollanRoberts.com General Inquiries: office@RollanRoberts.com
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